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安装oracle 19c 报错INS-06006 INS-44000 INS-32070


数据库版本oracle 19c

安装oracle19c RAC 配置互信的时候setup显示成功,点test的时候报错INS-44000,继续点yes 报错INS-32070,继续往下点 报错INS-06006
1.手动ssh node date 全部成功说明互信时没有问题的
2.查mos 文档ID 2555697.1 如果OpenSSH升级到8.x会有这个问题

#ssh -V
OpenSSH_8.0p1, OpenSSL 1.0.2r 26 Feb 2019
# Rename the original scp.
mv /usr/bin/scp /usr/bin/scp.orig
# Create a new file </usr/bin/scp>.
vi /usr/bin/scp
# Add the below line to the new created file </usr/bin/scp>.
/usr/bin/scp.orig -T $*
# Change the file permission.
chmod 555 /usr/bin/scp

# mv /usr/bin/scp.orig /usr/bin/scp

我的ssh是8.0版本按照MOS上的操作并没有解决,最后用的服务器上7.x版本的ssh和scp替换现在的ssh 和scp得到解决

Clean up the files in .ssh directory for grid user in VNC session:
cd $HOME/.ssh
rm -rf *
In the OUI session, click SSH "Setup" again to setup SSH for grid user from scratch,
then click "Test" in OUI,
Now it completes with "SSH for user grid has already been setup".
Click "Next" in the OUI to complete the installation.

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